Who We Are

Philemon House


Formerly he was useless to you, but now he has become useful both to you and to me.

Our Values


knowing and living like Christ


weeping, loving, and laughing together


discovering gifts and being equipped for the world

The Story of Philemon

A slave named Onesimus had stolen from his slave owner Philemon. He met Paul in prison in Rome. After converting to Christianity, and upon his release, Paul sent Onesimus back to Philemon telling him he would pay Philemon back for whatever he had stolen and asked him to not only welcome him back but also thank God for him as a brother. At Philemon House we welcome young men back to society, teaching them to give back by being productive/serving members of society and helping, not only society but also themselves see they are now useful. 

Meet The Team

Louis Dooley


Louis is a former prisoner with 2 Life sentences + 100 years. He now strives to plant Bible studies in Cook County Jail helping detainees learn how to study God’s Word. He also goes into Chicagoland youth prisons where he works to introduce and further their knowledge of Jesus Christ. When he is not in jail or prison he mentors the young men living at Philemon House

Julie Dooley


Julie has always had a passion for helping others but it was in 2003 when she met Louis that she turned her focus to prison ministry. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice in 2009. Together with Louis, she has a vision of helping people get a second chance during incarceration and once they are out. 

David Berry


Dawn Irwin


Orences Christian


Chris Masek


John Saf


Prison Saved My Life

Have you ever been at the end of your rope? Have you ever felt the bottom fall out of your life? Have you ever felt completely and utterly hopeless? Have you ever felt rejected by this world sometimes even by the very people who are supposed to love you? Have you ever done something so horrible that the biggest punishment there seems to be is simply having to live with the knowledge that you did it? Have you ever wondered what s the point of this confusing and often painful life?

If you answered yes to any of these, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. So did Louis Dooley. This is his story. It will resonate with you, make you uncomfortable, shock you, make you laugh and cry, but in the end it will give you hope.